Ohara, N., Kawakami, N., Arai, R., Adachi, N., Ikeda, A., Senda, T., Miyamoto, K. Fusion then fission:
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Nasu, E., Kawakami, N., Takamura, S., Hotta, A., Arai, R., Miyamoto, K. Thermally Reversible Gel-Sol Transition of Hydrogels via
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Kurihara, K., Umezawa, K., Donnelly, A. E., Sperling, B., Liao, G., Hecht, M. H.*,
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Ohara, N., Kawakami, N., Arai, R., Adachi, N., Moriya, T., Kawasaki, M., Miyamoto, K. Reversible Assembly
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Sakono, M., Nakamura, M., Ohshima, T., Miyakoshi, A., Arai, R., Minamihata, K., Kamiya, N. One-pot synthesis of fibrillar-shaped functional nanomaterial using microbial transglutaminase. J. Biosci. Bioeng., 135, 440-446 (2023). (DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2023.03.015)
Kobayashi, N., Arai, R.* Protein Cages and Nanostructures Constructed from Protein Nanobuilding
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Nakamura, M., Arai, R., Kamiya, N., Sakono, M. Enzymatic Fabrication of Multifunctional Amyloid-based Protein Assembly. Chem. Lett., 52, 538-541 (2023). (DOI: 10.1246/cl.230156)
Sato, H., Sonoda, N., Nakano, M., Matsuyama, Y., Shizume, A., Arai, R., Nogawa, M., Taguchi, G., Shimosaka, M. Multi-enzyme Machinery for Chitin
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Irumagawa, S., Hiemori, K., Saito, S., Tateno, H., Arai, R.* Self-Assembling Lectin Nano-Block Oligomers Enhance Binding Avidity to
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Sakono, M., Oshima, T., Iwakawa, T., Arai, R. Production
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Obata, J., Kawakami, N., Tsutsumi, A., Nasu, E., Miyamoto, K., Kikkawa, M., Arai, R.* Icosahedral 60-meric porous structure of designed supramolecular protein
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Irumagawa, S., Kobayashi, K., Saito, Y., Miyata, T., Umetsu, M., Kameda, T., Arai, R.* Rational thermostabilisation of four-helix bundle dimeric de novo proteins.
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Arai, R.* Design of helical linkers for fusion proteins and protein-based nanostructures.
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Kimura, N., Mochizuki, K., Umezawa K., Hecht, M.H., Arai, R.* Hyperstable De Novo Protein with a Dimeric Bisecting Topology. ACS Synth. Biol. 9, 254–259 (2020).
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Hirabayashi, J., Arai, R. Lectin engineering: the possible and the actual. Interface Focus. 9, 20180068, (2019). (DOI: 10.1098/rsfs.2018.0068)
Kawakami, N., Kondo, H., Matsuzawa, Y., Hayasaka, K., Nasu, E., Sasahara, K., Arai, R., Miyamoto, K. Design of Hollow Protein Nanoparticles with Modifiable Interior
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Kobayashi, N., Inano, K., Sasahara, K., Sato, T., Miyazawa, K., Fukuma, T., Hecht, M.H., Song, C., Murata, K., Arai, R.* Self-assembling supramolecular nanostructures constructed from de novo extender protein nanobuilding blocks. ACS Synth. Biol. 7, 1381–1394 (2018).
(DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.8b00007) Link to free e-prints (up to 50)
Arai, R.* Design
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(DOI: 10.1016/j.copbio.2017.01.001)
Yokoo, S., Inoue, S., Suzuki, N., Amakawa, N., Matsui, H., Nakagami, H.,
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Kobayashi, N., Arai, R.* Design and construction of self-assembling supramolecular protein complexes
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小林直也,木村尚弥,新井亮一*,バイナリーパターン配列デザインによるデノボ蛋白質の創出と蛋白質ナノブロックによる超分子複合体の創生,生物工学会誌, 94,
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小林直也,新井亮一*,人工蛋白質で「かたち」をつくろう―ブロック遊びしようよ!―,生物工学会誌, 94, 270 (2016).
小林直也,新井亮一*, 二量体形成新規人工タンパク質を用いたタンパク質ナノブロック開発による自己組織化ナノ構造複合体の創製, 分子研レターズ, 73, 30–31 (2016).
Hirabayashi, K.*, Ikutama, E., Ohkawa, K., Arai, R., Nomura, T., Tsukada, M., and Abe, K. Flight density of the
aquatic insect fauna over the water surface in the middle reaches of the
Shinano River, Japan, mainly among caddisflies (Trichoptera). Zoosymposia, 10, 203–213 (2016).
Nomura, T.*, Ito, M., Kanamori, M., Shigeno, Y., Uchiumi, T., Arai,
R., Tsukada, M., Hirabayashi, K., and Ohkawa, K. Characterization of silk
gland ribosomes from a bivoltine caddisfly, Stenopsyche
marmorata: translational suppression of a silk protein in cold conditions. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 469, 210-215 (2016).
Ueda, M., Shimosaka, M., Arai, R.* Expression, purification, crystallization and
X-ray diffraction analysis of ChiL, a chitinase from Chitiniphilus shinanonensis. Acta
Cryst., F71, 1516-1520 (2015). (SOAR-IR)
Kobayashi, N., Yanase, K., Sato, T., Unzai, S., Hecht, M.H., Arai, R.*
Self-assembling nano-architectures created from a protein nano-building block
using an intermolecularly folded dimeric de novo protein. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137, 11285-11293 (2015). (DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b03593)
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米国化学会誌Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) 論文掲載! 2015.9.9
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Bai, X., Sakaguchi, M., Yamaguchi, Y., Ishihara, S., Tsukada, M., Hirabayashi, K., Ohkawa, K.,
Nomura, T., Arai, R.* Molecular cloning, gene expression
analysis, and recombinant protein expression of novel silk proteins from larvae
of a retreat-maker caddisfly, Stenopsyche
marmorata. Biochem. Biophys. Res.
Commun., 464, 814-819 (2015). (DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.07.041)(SOAR-IR)
研究成果プレスリリース(報道機関向け説明資料カラー版PDF) 2015.8.31
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信州大学先鋭領域融合研究群のWebサイトにトピックスが掲載 2015.9.3
中日新聞(9/5)及び中日新聞Webにも関連記事が掲載 2015.9.5
Yanase, K., Arai R.,
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serum albumin solutions studied by small angle X-ray scattering and dielectric
relaxation spectroscopy. J. Mol. Liq. 200, A,
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Shimamoto C, Ohnishi T,
Maekawa M, Watanabe A, Ohba H, Arai R, Iwayama Y, Hisano Y, Toyota T, Toyoshima M, Suzuki K, Shirayama
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of FABP3, 5 and 7 gene variants identified in schizophrenia and autism spectrum
disorder and mouse behavioral studies. Hum.
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Ohkawa, K., Miura, Y., Nomura, T., Arai, R., Abe, K., Tsukada M., and Hirabayashi, K., Long-range periodic
sequence of Stenopsyche marmorata cement/silk protein: Purification and biochemical characterization.
Biofouling, 29, 357-367 (2013).
Arai, R.*, Fukui, S., Kobayashi, N. and Sekiguchi, J.*, Solution structure of IseA, an inhibitor protein of DL-endopeptidases from Bacillus subtilis, reveals a novel fold with a characteristic inhibitory loop. J. Biol. Chem., 287, 44736-44748 (2012). (The Journal of Biological Chemistry)
信州大学繊維学部Webプレスリリース 2012.12.25
信濃毎日新聞(12/26朝刊)や、マイナビニュース、Yahoo!ニュースなどに記事が掲載 2012.12.26
Ohkawa, K., Miura, Y., Nomura, T., Arai, R., Abe, K., Tsukada M., and Hirabayashi, K., Isolation of silk proteins from
a caddisfly larva, Stenopsyche marmorata. J. Fiber Bioeng. Informatics, 5, 125-137 (2012).
Arai, R*., Kobayashi, N., Kimura, A., Sato, T., Matsuo, K., Wang, A.F., Platt, J.M., Bradley, L.H., and Hecht, M.H.*, Domain-Swapped
Dimeric Structure of a Stable and Functional De Novo 4-Helix Bundle Protein,
WA20. J. Phys. Chem. B. 116, 6789-6797 (2012). (The Journal of Physical Chemistry B)
新規人工設計タンパク質WA20 の立体構造を解明!
信州大学繊維学部Webプレスリリース 2012.3.26
KEK物質構造科学研究所トピックスに掲載 2012.3.28
マイナビニュース、Yahoo!ニュース、livedoorニュースに掲載 2012.3.29
Hayashi A, Hino N, Kobayashi
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Maekawa, M., Iwayama, Y., Arai, R., Nakamura, K., Ohnishi, T., Toyota, T.,
Tsujii, M., Okazaki, Y., Osumi, N., Owada, Y., Mori, N., and Yoshikawa, T.
Polymorphism screening of brain-expressed FABP7, 5 and 3 genes and association
studies in autism and schizophrenia in Japanese subjects. J. Hum. Genet.
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.Arai, R, Murayama, K., Uchikubo-Kamo, T., Nishimoto, M., Toyama, M., Kuramitsu,
S., Terada, T., Shirouzu, M. and Yokoyama, S. Crystal structure of MqnD
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R.,* Ito, K.,* Ohnishi, T., Ohba, H., Akasaka, R., Bessho, Y., Hanawa-Suetsugu,
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Watanabe, A., Toyota, T., Owada, Y., Hayashi, T., Iwayama, Y., Matsumata,
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Yoshikawa, S.,* Arai, R.,* Kinoshita, Y.,
Uchikubo-Kamo, T., Wakamatsu, T., Akasaka, R., Masui, R., Terada, T.,
Kuramitsu, S., Shirouzu, M. and Yokoyama, S. Structure of archaeal glyoxylate
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dinucleotide phosphate. Acta Crystallogr. D 63, 357-365 (2007).
Ito, K.,* Arai, R.,* Fusatomi, E., Kamo-Uchikubo, T., Kawaguchi, S., Akasaka, R., Terada, T.,
Kuramitsu, S., Shirouzu, M. and Yokoyama, S. Crystal structure of the conserved
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Arai, R.,* Yoshikawa, S.,* Murayama, K., Imai,
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Arai, R., Kukimoto-Niino, M., Kuroishi, C., Bessho, Y., Shirouzu, M. and Yokoyama,
S. Crystal structure of the probable haloacid dehalogenase PH0459 from
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Arai, R., Kukimoto-Niino, M., Uda-Tochio, H., Morita, S., Uchikubo-Kamo, T., Akasaka,
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Arai, R.,* Nishimoto, M.,* Toyama, M., Terada, T., Kuramitsu, S., Shirouzu, M.
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Ohiro, Y., Arai, R.,
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(*The authors
contributed equally to the work.)