安全ロボット研究室 / Robot Safety Lab

信州大学 繊維学部/ Shinshu University

The safety is the critical issue of the robots used in daily living environment. However, new safety evaluation methods are required for such new types of robots. We aim to quantify the risk of robots under various situations of daily life. At the same time, we develop the safe and effective assistive devices.

お知らせ / News

Five presentations were made by students and Dr. Akiyama on ROBOMECH2024.
Ziqi Liu(都立大)らの論文"Estimating the Margin of Gait Stability in Healthy Elderly Using the Triaxial Kinematic Motion of a Single Body Feature"が Applied Sciencesに掲載されました.
An article "Estimating the Margin of Gait Stability in Healthy Elderly Using the Triaxial Kinematic Motion of a Single Body Feature" authored by Ms. Liu et al. was published from Applied Sciences.
秋山准教授らの論文"Investigation of the Effect of Physical Ability on the Fall Mitigation Motion Using the Combination of Experiment and Simulation"が Applied Sciencesに掲載されました.
An article "Investigation of the Effect of Physical Ability on the Fall Mitigation Motion Using the Combination of Experiment and Simulation" authored by Dr. Akiyama et al. was published from Applied Sciences.
New students joined our lab.
Bachelor students graduated.
秋山准教授らの論文"Effect of forward moment on recovery motion against tripping"が PLOS ONEに掲載されました.
An article "Effect of forward moment on recovery motion against tripping" authored by Dr. Akiyama et al. was published from PLOS ONE.
平野博士(長寿研)らの論文"Preliminary gait analysis of frail versus older adults"が The Journal of Physical Therapy Scienceに掲載されました.
An article "Preliminary gait analysis of frail versus older adults" authored by Dr. Hirano et al. was published from The Journal of Physical Therapy Science.
繊維学専攻 機械・ロボット学分野で修士学生の中間発表を行いました
Mid-term presentation of master course students of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Division was held.
秋山准教授が第24回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI 2023)において背屈誘導についての発表をしました.
Dr. Akiyama made presentation of the promotion of dorsal flexion on SI2023.
M1の坂下君がIEEE GCCE2023において装着型ロボットについて発表しました.
Mr. Sakashita made a presentation of the assistive robot in the IEEE GCCE2023 conference.
Ms. Morisaki made a presentation of the fall analysis in the 10th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Fall Prevention.
Dr. Akiyama made presentation of gait index on LIFE2023.
Mid-term presentation of fourth year students of our course was held.
Six students made presentation in the SICE CHUBU branch symposium.
黒田(都立大)らの論文"Anterior and mediolateral dynamic gait stabilities attributed to different gait parameters in different age groups"が Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineeringへの採録が決定しました.
An article "Anterior and mediolateral dynamic gait stabilities attributed to different gait parameters in different age groups" authored by Mr. Kuroda et al. was accepted for Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering.
A presentation was made by Mr. Sakasita et al. on ROBOMECH2023.

研究課題 / Research Abstract

日常環境で使われるロボットは人間の動きに沿うものでなければなりません.人間との動作の不整合は,安全性と利便性を損ないます. また,日常生活で用いるためには使用法が簡単で利用者に負担がないことも重要です. 様々なロボットやデバイスを開発し,使用中の動作を解析することで安全性や効果を評価しています. また,本当にリスクのある状況では人間で実験をできません.そうした危害リスクを評価するためのシミュレーション技術も開発しています.

課題例 / Research topics
  • 生活環境における装着型ロボットの歩行安全性検証
    Evaluation of the gait stability of the exoskeleton in daily living conditions
  • 軽量アシストスーツ開発
    Development of the fabric gait assist device
  • 歩行安定性指標構築
    Development of the gait stability index
  • 転倒回避動作シミュレータ開発
    Development of the fall motion simulator
  • 転倒動画の3次元動作解析
    3D motion analysis of the 2D video of fall motion

信州大学 繊維学部 秋山研究室
Akiyama Lab., Shinshu Univ.